How do I search for a keyword in the Vim help files?

a) You can press the CTRL-D key after typing the help keyword to get a list of all the help keywords containing the supplied pattern. You can also use the meta characters like *, \+, etc to specify the help search pattern:

    :help init

    :help str*()

    :help '*indent

b) You can press the Tab key after typing a partial help keyword to expand to the matching keyword. You can continue to press the Tab key to see other keyword matches. c) From the help window, you can use the “:tag” command to search for keywords. For example,

    :tselect /window

This command will list all the help keywords containing the text “window”. You can select one from the list and jump to it. d) You can use the “:helpgrep” command to search for the given text in all the help files. The quickfix window will be opened with all the matching lines.

Comments (1)

Pepsh Pepshinsky

Let’s see you to :help viminfo-file-name (option -i) :set viminfofile=NONE

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