How do I zoom into or out of a window?

You can zoom into a window (close all the windows except the current window) using the “CTRL-W o” command or the “:only” ex command. You can use the “CTRL-W _” command or the “:resize” ex command to increase the current window height to the highest possible without closing other windows. You can use the “CTRL-W |” command or the “:vertical resize” ex command to increase the current window width to the highest possible without closing other windows. You can use the “CTRL-W =” command to make the height and width of all the windows equal. You can also set the following options to get better results with the above commands: Method 1: Set the ‘winminheight’ option to 0:

    :set winminheight=0

By default, this option is set to 1. This option controls the minimum height of an inactive window (when it is not the current window). When the ‘winminheight’ option is set to 0, only the status line will be displayed for inactive windows. Method 2: Set the ‘noequalalways’ option and set the ‘winheight’ option to a large value (like 99999):

    :set noequalalways

    :set winheight=99999

Now, the active window will always open to its maximum size, while the other windows will stay present, but shrunken to just a status line. With any of the above mentioned methods, you cannot restore the window layout after zooming into a window. If you want to restore the Vim window layout after zooming into a window, you can use the ZoomWin plugin. You can download this plugin from the Vim online website at: For more information, read: CTRL-W_o window-resize ‘winminheight’ ‘equalalways’ ‘winheight’ 08.3

Comments (1)

Pepsh Pepshinsky

Let’s see you to :help viminfo-file-name (option -i) :set viminfofile=NONE

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