Books / Think OS / Chapter 9


When I mentioned threads in Unix Processes, I said that a thread is a kind of process. Now I will provide a more careful explanation.

When you create a process, the operating system creates a new address space, which includes the text segment, static segment, and heap; it also creates a new “thread of execution”, which includes the program counter and other hardware state, and the call stack.

The processes we have seen so far are “single-threaded”, which means that only one thread of execution runs in each address space. In this chapter, you will learn about “multi-threaded” processes that have multiple threads running in the same address space.

Within a single process, all threads share the same text segment, so they run the same code. But different threads often run different parts of the code.

And they share the same static segment, so if one thread changes a global variable, other threads see the change. They also share the heap, so threads can share dynamically-allocated chunks.

But each thread has its own stack, so threads can call functions without interfering with each other. Usually threads don’t access each other’s local variables (and sometimes they can’t).

The example code for this chapter is in the repository for this book, in a directory named counter.

Creating threads

The most popular threading standard used with C is POSIX Threads, or Pthreads for short. The POSIX standard defines a thread model and an interface for creating and controlling threads. Most versions of UNIX provide an implementation of Pthreads.

Using Pthreads is like using most C libraries:

  • You include headers files at the beginning of your program.

  • You write code that calls functions defined by Pthreads.

  • When you compile the program, you link it with the Pthread library.

For my examples, I include the following headers:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>

The first two are standard; the third is for Pthreads and the fourth is for semaphores. To compile with the Pthread library in gcc, you can use the -l option on the command line:

gcc -g -O2 -o array array.c -lpthread

This compiles a source file named array.c with debugging info and optimization, links with the Pthread library, and generates an executable named array.

Creating threads

The Pthread function that creates threads is called pthread_create. The following function shows how to use it:

pthread_t make_thread(void *(*entry)(void *), Shared *shared)
    int n;
    pthread_t thread;

    n = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, entry, (void *)shared);
    if (n != 0) {
        perror("pthread_create failed");
    return thread;

make_thread is a wrapper I wrote to make pthread_create easier to use, and to provide error-checking.

The return type from pthread_create is pthread_t, which you can think of as an id or “handle” for the new thread.

If pthread_create succeeds, it returns 0 and make_thread returns the handle of the new thread. If an error occurs, pthread_create returns an error code and make_thread prints an error message and exits.

The parameters of make_thread take some explaining. Starting with the second, Shared is a structure I defined to contain values shared between threads. The following typedef statement creates the new type:

typedef struct {
    int counter;
} Shared;

In this case, the only shared variable is counter. make_shared allocates space for a Shared structure and initializes the contents:

Shared *make_shared()
    Shared *shared = check_malloc(sizeof (Shared));
    shared->counter = 0;
    return shared;

Now that we have a shared data structure, let’s get back to make_thread. The first parameter is a pointer to a function that takes a void pointer and returns a void pointer. If the syntax for declaring this type makes your eyes bleed, you are not alone. Anyway, the purpose of this parameter is to specify the function where the execution of the new thread will begin. By convention, this function is named entry:

void *entry(void *arg)
    Shared *shared = (Shared *) arg;

The parameter of entry has to be declared as a void pointer, but in this program we know that it is really a pointer to a Shared structure, so we can typecast it accordingly and then pass it along to child_code, which does the real work.

As a simple example, child_code prints the value of the shared counter and increments it.

void child_code(Shared *shared)
    printf("counter = %d\n", shared->counter);

When child_code returns, entry invokes pthread_exit which can be used to pass a value to the thread that joins with this thread. In this case, the child has nothing to say, so we pass NULL.

Finally, here is the code that creates the child threads:

    int i;
    pthread_t child[NUM_CHILDREN];

    Shared *shared = make_shared(1000000);

    for (i=0; i<NUM_CHILDREN; i++) {
        child[i] = make_thread(entry, shared);

NUM_CHILDREN is a compile-time constant that determines the number of child threads. child is an array of thread handles.

Joining threads

When one thread wants to wait for another thread to complete, it invokes pthread_join. Here is my wrapper for pthread_join:

void join_thread(pthread_t thread)
    int ret = pthread_join(thread, NULL);
    if (ret == -1) {
      perror("pthread_join failed");

The parameter is the handle of the thread you want to wait for. All the wrapper does is call pthread_join and check the result.

Any thread can join any other thread, but in the most common pattern the parent thread creates and joins all child threads. Continuing the example from the previous section, here’s the code that waits on the children:

    for (i=0; i<NUM_CHILDREN; i++) {

This loops waits for the children one at a time in the order they were created. There is no guarantee that the child threads complete in that order, but this loop works correctly even if they don’t. If one of the children is late, the loop might have to wait, and other children might complete in the meantime. But regardless, the loop exits only when all children are done.

If you have downloaded the repository for this book, you’ll find this example in ` counter/counter.c`. You can compile and run it like this:

$ make counter
gcc -Wall counter.c -o counter -lpthread
$ ./counter

When I ran it with 5 children, I got the following output:

counter = 0
counter = 0
counter = 1
counter = 0
counter = 3

When you run it, you will probably get different results. And if you run it again, you might get different results each time. What’s going on?

Synchronization errors

The problem with the previous program is that the children access the shared variable, counter, without synchronization, so several threads can read the same value of counter before any threads increment it.

Here is a sequence of events that could explain the output in the previous section:

Child A reads 0
Child B reads 0
Child C reads 0
Child A prints   0
Child B prints   0
Child A sets counter=1
Child D reads 1
Child D prints   1
Child C prints   0
Child A sets counter=1
Child B sets counter=2
Child C sets counter=3
Child E reads 3
Child E prints   3
Child D sets counter=4
Child E sets counter=5

Each time you run the program, threads might be interrupted at different points, or the scheduler might choose different threads to run, so the sequence of events, and the results, will be different.

Suppose we want to impose some order. For example, we might want each thread to read a different value of counter and increment it, so that the value of counter reflects the number of threads that have executed child_code.

To enforce that requirement, we can use a “mutex”, which is an object that guarantees “mutual exclusion” for a block of code; that is, only one thread can execute the block at a time.

I have written a small module called mutex.c that provides mutex objects. I’ll show you how to use it first; then I’ll explain how it works.

Here’s a version of child_code that uses a mutex to synchronize threads:

void child_code(Shared *shared)
    printf("counter = %d\n", shared->counter);

Before any thread can access counter, it has to “lock” the mutex, which has the effect of barring all other threads. Suppose Thread A has locked the mutex and is in the middle of child_code. If Thread B arrives and executes mutex_lock, it blocks.

When Thread A is done, it executes mutex_unlock, which allows Thread B to proceed. In effect, the threads line up to execute child_code one at a time, so they can’t interfere with each other. When I run this code with 5 children, I get:

counter = 0
counter = 1
counter = 2
counter = 3
counter = 4

And that satisfies the requirements. In order for this solution to work, I have to add the Mutex to the Shared struct:

typedef struct {
    int counter;
    Mutex *mutex;
} Shared;

And initialize it in make_shared

Shared *make_shared(int end)
    Shared *shared = check_malloc(sizeof(Shared));
    shared->counter = 0;
    shared->mutex = make_mutex();   //-- this line is new
    return shared;

The code in this section is in counter_mutex.c. The definition of Mutex is in mutex.c, which I explain in the next section.


My definition of Mutex is a wrapper for a type called pthread_mutex_t, which is defined in the POSIX threads API.

To create a POSIX mutex, you have to allocate space for a pthread_mutex_t type and then call pthread_mutex_init.

One of the problems with this API is that pthread_mutex_t behaves like a structure, so if you pass it as an argument, it makes a copy, which makes the mutex behave incorrectly. To avoid that, you have to pass pthread_mutex_t by address.

My code makes it easier to get that right. It defines a type, Mutex, which is just a more readable name for pthread_mutex_t:

#include <pthread.h>

typedef pthread_mutex_t Mutex;

Then it defines make_mutex, which allocates space and initializes the mutex:

Mutex *make_mutex()
    Mutex *mutex = check_malloc(sizeof(Mutex));
    int n = pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL);
    if (n != 0) perror_exit("make_lock failed"); 
    return mutex;

The return value is a pointer, which you can pass around as an argument without causing unwanted copying.

The functions to lock and unlock the mutex are simple wrappers for POSIX functions:

void mutex_lock(Mutex *mutex)
    int n = pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);
    if (n != 0) perror_exit("lock failed");

void mutex_unlock(Mutex *mutex)
    int n = pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex);
    if (n != 0) perror_exit("unlock failed");

This code is in mutex.c and the header file mutex.h.

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