What are Mixins in TypeScript and their use cases with examples?

In TypeScript, a mixin is an alternate way (to OOP) to share behavior between objects. A mixin is a class that contains methods that can be used by other classes, without the need to inherit from the mixin class. They can be used for building up classes from reusable components by combining simpler partial classes.

For example:

// Define the Mixin class
class Logger {
  log(message: string) {

// Define a class that uses the mixin
class User {
  name: string;
  age: number;

  // Use the mixin's methods
  log(message: string) {
    console.log(`[${this.name}] ${message}`);

// Apply the mixin to the User class
applyMixins(User, [Logger]);

// Create an instance of the User class
const user = new User();
user.name = 'Zayn';
user.age = 30;

// Use the log method from the mixin
user.log('Hello, world!');

In the example above, the Logger mixin class has a log() method that can be used to print messages to the console. The User class uses this method to log messages, but it does not inherit from the Logger class. Instead, it uses the applyMixins() function to apply the mixin to the User class, which allows it to use the log() method as if it were defined in the User class.

Mixins are a powerful way to share behavior between classes in a flexible and decoupled way. They can be used to avoid the need for inheritance and to mix and match behavior from multiple sources.

If you are wondering why is this powerful, keep on reading.

Let’s consider Java that doesn’t support mixins. Here’s how you’d achieve the same in Java.

// Define the interface
public interface Logger {
  void log(String message);

// Define a class that implements the interface
public class User implements Logger {
  private String name;
  private int age;

  // Implement the log method from the interface
  public void log(String message) {
    System.out.println("[" + name + "] " + message);

// Create an instance of the User class
User user = new User();

// Use the log method from the interface
user.log("Hello, world!");

However, there’s an issue: the log() method needs to be implemented by each class that implements the Logger interface. This can be somewhat repetitive, especially if the method has a complex implementation. We could define a Logger class and extend other classes from it, but that’s restrictive as we won’t be able to use any other class as superclass since classes can only have one parent (superclass) in Java.

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