Compare Pyramid and FastAPI

Pyramid is a web framework that is written in Python and is based on WSGI. It is minimalistic and inspired by Zope, Pylons, and Django. Before 2010, Pyramid was known as repoze.bfg.

Fast API is a high-performance web framework for building web applications with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints. It is designed to be high performance and easy to learn.

Let's see how Pyramid and FastAPI compare on various factors and features and which to choose when.





Python "microframework" for building web applications.
Minimalistic framework based on starlette and pydantic for building fast web applications using async IO.


Release Date

Release Date
Release Date




Adoption and Ease of Use

Popularity [?]

Popularity [?]
1 Star
Used by 8,000 projects.
Popularity [?]
New addition to the Python web frameworks family but its popularity is on the rise.

Used by

Used by
Reddit, Yelp, Mozilla, SurveyMoney,
Used by
Uber (internal use,) Explosion AI, Microsoft (internal use)

Jobs [?]

Jobs [?]
1 Star
80 job openings which list Pyramid as a requirement.
Jobs [?]
1.5 Stars
100 job openings which list Fast API as a requirement.

Performance [?]

Performance [?]
3 Stars
Claims to have top-notch performance but virtue of being a microframework but benchmarks prove it to be slower than even Django beyond simple use cases.
Performance [?]
5 Stars
High performance.


4.5 Stars
Pyramid is flexible.
5 Stars
Fast API is flexible to code and doesn't restrict users to a particular project or code layout.

Ease of Learning

Ease of Learning
4 Stars
Being a microframework, the learning curve isn't very steep. However, it doesn't have the same amount of tutorials, courses, and resources available for leaning compared to Django and Flask
Ease of Learning
4.5 Stars
Easy to learn especially for people who are new to web development. However, it doesn't have a large number of online resources, courses and tutorials.
Database Support

RDBMS Support

RDBMS Support
Through Plugins or Extensions
Through Plugins or Extensions
No built-in ORM framework. Leaves it up to developers to choose a library like SQLAlchemy
RDBMS Support
Through Plugins or Extensions
Through Plugins or Extensions
FastAPI doesn't come with built in ORM, however is compatible with SQLAlchemy, Pydantic ORM mode.

NoSQL Support

NoSQL Support
Doesn't get in the way of using NoSQL, and they are supported just as well as a relational database. Read more here.
NoSQL Support
Fast API supports many NoSQL databases like MongoDb, ElasticSearch, Cassandra, CouchDB and ArangoDB. Read more here.
Web & Core Features

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard
Through Plugins or Extensions
Through Plugins or Extensions
Doesn't ship with one but 3rd party tools are available.
Admin Dashboard
Built-in Support
Yes, uses Swagger as an API documentation web user interface.

REST Support

REST Support
Because it is a minimal framework, users can build a REST API themselves easily, or use a 3rd party library like Cornice.
REST Support
Yes, allows developers to build REST APIs quickly.


Built-in protection against CSRF, but XSS vulnerabilities have been discovered in older versions.
FastAPI provides several tools for many security schemes in the module. Not enough data.

Templating Library

Templating Library
Doesn't ship with a default templating language and leaves it up to developers to add one. Jinja2 can be added to Pyramid. Another engine popular amongst Pyramid users is Chameleon .
Templating Library
FastAPI supports Jinja2 for templating and also supports aiofiles for serving static files

Web Forms

Web Forms
No built-in support. Prefers 3rd party Deform library.
Web Forms
Ships with it's own Forms, with basic features.


Fast API supports OAuth2, JWT and simple HTTP authentiation.


Uses pytest for unit testing.

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