Compare Tornado and TurboGears

Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. It is great for use cases that are I/O intensive (e.g., proxies) but not ideal for compute-intensive use cases.

TurboGears was born as a full stack layer on top of Pylons, and many other disparate libraries and middleware. It is now a standalone WSGI web framework designed around MVC architecture inspired by Ruby on Rails and provides all the features developes need for web development. It can also run in minimal mode and act like a microframework such as Flask.

Let's see how Tornado and TurboGears compare on various factors and features and which to choose when.





Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, which does non-blocking I/O.
A full-stack web application framework for Python.



Release Date

Release Date
Release Date




Adoption and Ease of Use

Popularity [?]

Popularity [?]
5 Stars
Used by 145,000 projects.
Popularity [?]
0.5 Star
Used by 500 projects.

Used by

Used by
Used by
Used at SourceForge, Fedora Community and other smaller companies.

Jobs [?]

Jobs [?]
2.5 Stars
300 job openings which list Tornado as a requirement.
Jobs [?]
0 Stars
3 job openings which list TurboGears in the job description.

Performance [?]

Performance [?]
5 Stars
Excellent performance.
Performance [?]
2.5 Stars
Not as performant as barebones or even fullstack frameworks. Extensions could impact performance adversely.


5 Stars
Tornado is simple and flexible.
4.5 Stars
Developers can use TurboGears as a microframework which is very flexible. However, as you start building towards a fullstack solution, it does expect things to be done in a certain way.

Ease of Learning

Ease of Learning
4 Stars
Tornado is not difficult to learn if the user is familiar with asynchronous and non-blocking I/O. The online resources, courses, and tutorials are not as plentiful compared to Flask or Django.
Ease of Learning
5 Stars
Has a learning but since it uses a lot of exisitng 3rd party libraries it becomes are little easier to onboard. It also has a decent amount of tutorials online.
Database Support

RDBMS Support

RDBMS Support
Through Plugins or Extensions
Through Plugins or Extensions
Being an asynchronous framework, Tornado doesn't play well with ORM frameworks. See this stackoverflow answer for more details. It doesn't come with a built-in ORM framework, but 3rd party libraries that can be used. Such as tornado-sqlalchemy, Tornado-MySQL (experimental), etc.
RDBMS Support
Built-in Support
Ships with SQLAlchemy with Master Slave load Balancing. Before TurboGears v2, the ORM used as SQLObject.

NoSQL Support

NoSQL Support
No built-in support for NoSQL databases, but 3rd party libraries support asynchronous, non-blocking access. Motor is one such library from the makers of MongoDB. However, a lot of client libraries like DynamoDB appear to have been deprecated or not actively maintained.
NoSQL Support
Supports MongoDB out of the box using Ming ORM. Ming ORM was developed to look like SQLAlchemy so it's easier for developers familiar with SQLAlchemy to start using it.
Web & Core Features

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard
No or Limited Support
No or Limited Support
No built-in admin panel. No well-known 3rd party tools either.
Admin Dashboard
Built-in Support
Built-in admin panel.

REST Support

REST Support
No built-in support for REST API, but users can implement REST APIs manually.
REST Support
Built-in support using tg.controllers.RestController. Read this guide to implement.


Built-in security mechanisms such as secure cookies, XSRF, DNS Rebinding and etc. Has been used in production for many years so security is generally decent.
Little built-in protection. Must be handled by developers themselves or by using 3rd party extensions.

Templating Library

Templating Library
Tornado uses custom templating library out of the box.
Templating Library
Ships with internally developed Kajiki templating engine, but supports multiple templating engine including Genshi.

Web Forms

Web Forms
No built-in support.
Web Forms
TurboGears relies on ToscaWidgets2 for building and validating forms.


Provides user authentication and also supports 3rd party authentication and authorization systems like Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Ships with repoze.who which is an authentication and identity framework for WSGI applications. Read more here.


Built-in support using Python's unittest framework.
Using Nose. Read more here.

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