Bash Variables

As in any other programming language, you can use variables in Bash Scripting as well. However, there are no data types, and a variable in Bash can contain numbers as well as characters.

To assign a value to a variable, all you need to do is use the = sign:


Note: as an important note, you can not have spaces before and after the = sign.

After that, to access the variable, you have to use the $ and reference it as shown below:

echo $name

Wrapping the variable name between curly brackets is not required, but is considered a good practice, and I would advise you to use them whenever you can:

echo ${name}

The above code would output: DevDojo as this is the value of our name variable.

Next, let’s update our script and include a variable in it.

Again, you can open the file with your favorite text editor, I’m using nano here to open the file:


Adding our name variable here in the file, with a welcome message. Our file now looks like this:



echo "Hi there $name"

Save it and run the file using the command below:


You would see the following output on your screen:

Hi there DevDojo

Here is a rundown of the script written in the file:

  • #!/bin/bash - At first, we specified our shebang.
  • name=DevDojo - Then, we defined a variable called name and assigned a value to it.
  • echo "Hi there $name" - Finally, we output the content of the variable on the screen as a welcome message by using echo

You can also add multiple variables in the file as shown below:



echo "$greeting $name"

Save the file and run it again:


You would see the following output on your screen:

Hello DevDojo

Note that you don’t necessarily need to add semicolon ; at the end of each line. It works both ways, a bit like other programming language such as JavaScript!

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