2–3 trees

An early branch in the evolution of balanced trees was the 2–3 tree. Here all paths have the same length, but internal nodes have either 2 or 3 children. So a 2–3 tree with height k has between 2k and 3k leaves and a comparable number of internal nodes. The maximum path length in a tree with n nodes is at most ⌈lg n⌉, as in a perfectly balanced binary tree.

An internal node in a 2–3 tree holds one key if it has two children (including two nil pointers) and two if it has three children. A search that reaches a three-child node must compare the target with both keys to decide which of the three subtrees to recurse into. As in binary trees, these comparisons take constant time, so we can search a 2–3 tree in O(log n) time.

Insertion is done by expanding leaf nodes. This may cause a leaf to split when it acquires a third key. When a leaf splits, it becomes two one-key nodes and the middle key moves up into its parent. This may cause further splits up the ancestor chain; the tree grows in height by adding a new root when the old root splits. In practice only a small number of splits are needed for most insertions, but even in the worst case this entire process takes O(log n) time.

It follows that 2–3 trees have the same performance as AVL trees. Conceptually, they are simpler, but having to write separate cases for 2-child and 3-child nodes doubles the size of most code that works on 2–3 trees. The real significance of 2–3 trees is as a precursor to two other kinds of trees, the red-black tree and the B-tree.

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