Compare Top Python Frameworks
Python frameworks make it easier for developers to create web applications quickly by offering required functionality out of the box. This allows developers to focus on the business logic instead and get up and running faster and smarter See comparison between popular Python frameworks.
March 7, 2020All Articles
Avoid Singletons to Write Testable Code
Often times there is a need to share a single object of a class throughout the code base. For example, we might want to store all online users in one central registry or share a centr...
May 27, 2016Effective Coding Standards
Coding standards are a set of guidelines, best practices, programming styles and conventions that developers adhere to when writing source code for a project. All big software compani...
May 22, 20167 Deadly Sins of Mobile Websites
A mobile website is designed and optimized for browsing on a smartphone. They come in various flavours: sometimes there are different desktop and mobile versions, other times they are...
May 15, 2016Software Estimates are not Targets
Software estimation is a hard problem. So much so that in 2012, when Woody Zuill tweeted his blog post with the hashtag #NoEstimates, he set the software development community on fire...
May 14, 2016Top new Java features in Java 8 and Beyond
In this post, we’ll look at some of the latest features introduced in Java 10. Let’s go.
May 10, 2016The char Type in Java is Broken?
If I may be so brash, it is my opinion that the char type in Java is dangerous and should be avoided if you are going to use Unicode characters. char is used for representing characte...
May 08, 2016Minimum Viable Product - Lessons for Software Teams
The concept of the minimum viable product or the MVP was popularized by Eric Reis in his book The Lean Startup. He defines it as: The minimum viable product is that version of a new ...
May 07, 2016Good Abstractions Have Fewer Leaks
Abstraction is one of the greatest visionary tools ever invented by human beings to imagine, decipher, and depict the world. - Jerry SaltzAbstraction are all around us. We abstract ...
May 06, 2016Software Rot, Entropy and the Broken Window Theory
“Complexity is the business we are in and complexity is what limits us.” - Fred Brooks, The Mythical Man-MonthSoftware projects go through many modifications over their lifetime. As...
May 02, 2016Do Experienced Programmers Use Google Frequently?
Software developers, especially those who are new to the field, often ask this question or at least wonder whether they are good developers or just good at googling up solutions.“Do e...
Apr 30, 2016Java
Java - How to Cancel Tasks in Executors (With Examples)
How to Stop Threads in Java. Best Practices and Examples.
Java - Convert char to String with Examples
Java Math.pow() Method with Examples
Java PrintWriter Explained with Examples (Java 9+)
Java Math.abs() with Examples
Java Math.ceil() Method with Examples
Java Math.floor() Method with Examples
Java Math.random() Method with Examples
Java Math.round() with Examples
Java Math.sqrt() Method with Examples
Java String to int with examples
Fibonacci Series in Java
Java Stream to Array Conversion
ArrayList to Array Conversion in Java