Compare Top Python Frameworks

Python frameworks make it easier for developers to create web applications quickly by offering required functionality out of the box. This allows developers to focus on the business logic instead and get up and running faster and smarter See comparison between popular Python frameworks.

March 7, 2020

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COVID-19 Hiring Freeze - Company List

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is adding a lot of uncertainty and anxiety for millions of people. Events, left, right, and center and being cancelled. Markets are being very volat...

Mar 15, 2020

Tech Debt Developer Survey Results 2020 - Impact on Retention

Last month, I wrote a blog post called Technical Debt is Soul-crushing. In it, I discussed the effects of tech debt on software developers and how it makes them unhappy. I wrote it be...

Feb 17, 2020

Portal Theme and Blog Redesign

CodeAhoy website has been redesigned!

Feb 15, 2020

Technical Debt is Soul-crushing

Technical debt is incurred when the software or system designers take shortcuts to ship a feature faster, increasing the overall complexity of the system. The goal is to optimize the ...

Jan 25, 2020

Do Software Developers Normally Code on Weekends? Work-life Balance and Overtime in the Tech Industry

Despite all the perks tech companies offer to employees these days (unlimited PTOs, catered lunches, refreshments, beer on tap, dog friendly offices, gyms, yoga classes), there is oft...

Oct 19, 2019

GraphQL - A Practical Overview and Hands-On Tutorial

GraphQL is a Query Language for APIs. It provides a fresh and modern approach to fetching (and manipulating) data from APIs when compared to traditional methods such as REST. Its powe...

Oct 13, 2019

== vs === in Javascript and Which Should be Used When

In Javascript, we have couple of options for checking equality: == (Double equals operator): Known as the equality or abstract comparison operator === (Triple equals operator): Know...

Oct 12, 2019

What are -Xms and -Xms parameters in Java/JVM (Updated up to Java 13)

In short, Xmx specifies the maximum heap size available to an application Xms specifies the minimum heap size available to an applicationThese are Java Virtual Machine (JVM) paramet...

Sep 02, 2019

Spring Boot - Replace Tomcat With Jetty As the Embedded Server

Apache Tomcat and Eclipse Jetty are two of the most popular web servers and Java Servlet containers. Tomcat is more widely used compared to Jetty and has significantly more market sha...

Sep 01, 2019

How Docker Works? Under the Hood Look at How Containers Work on Linux

Docker is awesome. It enables software developers to package, ship and run their applications anywhere without having to worry about setup or dependencies. Combined with Kubernetes, i...

Apr 12, 2019